
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Episode 193: Tragic Heroes and Unexpected Children - More Tropes We Love in Speculative Fiction
A while back, the dragons discussed the tropes that they personally loved encountering in fiction - whether they were weirdly specific or widely adored. Since that episode they've dissected many tropes with a critical eye, so Jules and Madeleine thought it was high time that shared more tropes they enjoyed. On the slab this week Deep Space Nine, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix and many more.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Episode 192: Fitted Breastplates & Feminine Mystique - Sexist Absurdities in Speculative Fiction
Gender roles in speculative fiction can be a trap for the unwary writer. In fact, we're so conditioned to seeing certain tropes as staples, that it takes a bit of conscious reviewing before we, as readers and viewers, realise just how many gender based absurdities exist in speculative fiction. Epic fantasy is often the biggest offender but other forms of spec fic are hardly blameless. The dragons fully acknowledge that some of their favourite books and films also fall down when it comes to sexism, and while there's nothing wrong with liking something with problematic elements, it's always worth being aware those elements are there. This week, Jules and Madeleine look at some of the worst of these absurdities with suggestions for how they can be avoided or changed. On the slab this week - Dune by Frank Herbert, The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, The Princess Bride and many more.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Episode 191: It's Harder that You Think - Writing Sex Scenes in Speculative Fiction
Nearly three years ago, Jules and Madeleine took a look at an aspect of fiction writing that some writers find awkward - writing sex scenes. Both dragons have done a lot more writing since then and with more information, opinions shift, so this week they're revisiting the topic with the benefit of more experience in writing. The inclusion of sex scenes in fiction has been a hot topic of late, with readers, writers and fans arguing both for and against it. This is especially so in YA where the portrayal of healthy relationships and sex positivity has clashed with a certain amount of censorship. The dragons acknowledge that there is no single right answer because your mileage will vary on this subject as both a reader and a writer. That said they can be relied upon to have opinions on pretty much any subject, so they're sharing those opinions here. What should you consider in writing a sex scene? Must it move the plot on or reveal character development in order to avoid being gratuitous? Do sex scenes actually need to include sexual content? All this and more in this week's episode.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Episode 190: Art and Artifice - What Jane Austen has to say to a Modern Readership
The dragons are not adverse to breaking their own rules on occasion. Particularly when it involves looking at the craft of a master writer like Jane Austen. Known as one of the world's favourite writers, whose books have hardly ever been out of print for the last 200yrs, all of which have spawned numerous adaptations, re-imaginings, spin-offs (both modern and contemporary set to the author's own time), and which inspired an entirely new genre. But there is more to Austen's work than light, amusing, regency romance dealing with morals, money, manners and marriage. All of her books are deeply political and subversive, something not immediately apparent to the modern reader. It's a testament to Austen's ability to write on multiple levels that these deeper themes shine through and capture readers, even when they only partly understand why, removed from historical context as they are. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at what lies beneath the romance. Fair warning but this is a bumper episode at 1hr 40mins!
Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Episode 189: Last One Alive - Final Girl Tropes in Speculative Fiction
You know who we're talking about. If you've ever seen anything that leans even a little into the horror genre, you've seen her. She's the sweet girl next door , who eschews teenage experimentation - no alcohol, no sex, definitely no drugs - desperately trying to outrun the serial killer at the end of a slasher flick. Her moral superiority might just be the thing that saves her. But she'll suffer first. Oh yes. Sound familiar? There have been lots of deconstructions of this trope and some excellent subversions, but you know how the dragons like to dissect things! This week, Jules and Madeleine take a stroll this this particular trope's path, tracing it from horror to thriller to crime to SFF. Like most tropes, it's not all bad although there's definitely some less savoury aspects to this one. Under the microscope this week - Alien, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and many more. Join us for a look at the gory origins of the Final Girl.
Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Episode 188: I'm Not Gay, I'm Just Evil - The Queer Coded Villain Trope in Speculative Fiction
Ever noticed how villains - particularly in films and TV series - often seem to share similar tendencies? Whether it's the snide sarcastic tone of The Lion King's Scar or the flamboyant theatricality of several Marvel super villains, the bad guys often get what can only be described as queer coding. The dragons are all for queer rep amongst the bad guys but the trope has areas where it can definitely use some improvement. This week Jules and Madeleine deconstruct the Queer Villain Trope and suggest ways that the trope can be better used. On the slab this week - a number of Disney classics, Thor Ragnarok and many more.
Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Episode 187: Designer Flu & Superhumans - The Conspiracy Theory Trope in Speculative Fiction
Those of us who enjoy sci-fi, also probably enjoy a good 'conspiracy theory' trope. Whether it's governments plotting ways to create a docile populace or supercharged plagues accidentally released with disastrous consequences or human experimentation, there's something both thrilling and morbidly fascinating (not to mention chilling) in the idea that those in power may not have our best interests at heart. Or worse, that they may be actively working to remove our autonomy. But where does the conspiracy theory trope originate? This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at possible origins - from the Cold War to the horrors of the 20th C eugenics movement. Following their favourite and most reviled versions of this trope leads the dragons down some very murky paths indeed. On the slab this week - The Diviners by Libba Bray, The Stand by Stephen King, Feed by Mira Grant and many more.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Episode 186: Going Through Changes - Shapeshifters in Myth and Speculative Fiction
Before they populated the pages of paranormal romance novels, shapeshifters had long held a place in myths and folklore. Those creatures who can change they're shape have long been a source of human fascination, whether it's a desire to take on animal characteristics, representation of deities, the wolf who sometimes looks like a man or the witch who escapes the inquisition by going into a hare. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at the evolution of these creatures from the 'wizard's duel' of Welsh myth to Celtic Ireland to Navajo tales of trickster Coyote. From there, the dragons examine where the shapeshifter has travelled next in modern speculative fiction. Don your wolfskin belt and join us for an episode with claws.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Episode 185: This is Not Forgiveness - Redemption Arcs in Speculative Fiction
Who doesn't love a good villain or anti hero? Sometimes we find ourselves more drawn to a well crafted bad guy than to the protagonist we're meant to be identifying with, and when those characters are forced into an uneasy alliance it results in some of the most satisfying stories. The answer to this slightly uncomfortable tendency to find the villain engaging is the redemptive character arc. A good redemption arc can often enrich or even trump the main plot. But what exactly qualifies as redemption? What's the difference in narrative terms between reader forgiveness, suffering and atonement? This week the dragons take a look at anti heroes who try to make amends. Under the microscope in this episode - Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Boys and many more.
Please be aware that as Jules and Madeleine are looking at complete character arcs, this episode will include spoilers for Unveiled, The Boys and The Harmatia Cycle.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Episode 184: Auguries and Omens - Bird Symbolism in Myth and Speculative Fiction
Birds of many different species show up in mythological pantheons from all over the world, not to mention folklore and folksongs. It's become so much a part of our subconscious appreciation of storytelling, that writers often include birds in books and films as part of scene setting, without realising that they have picked a bird based on an unacknowledged and very large body of lore that dates back centuries. An additional branch of this lore is the use of birds and flight patterns in divination. This week the dragons take a look at this phenomenon. From wrens to buzzards, Jules and Madeleine are talking bird lore and mythology.
Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic